Ministry: Teams of Teams
Acolytes, ushers, Altar Guild, Eucharistic ministers, tech team, musicians, lectors, clergy, congregation: we have participatory roles in worship! As a liturgical Church, our worship isn’t focused on a charismatic individual, it is the shared work of the people.
There are many ways to get involved in one of the teams which make our worship life sing! In praise and prayer, celebration, lamentation, story and sacrament, we worship as one, as the Body of Christ. -
Our baptismal vows commit us to seek and serve Christ in all persons, striving for justice and peace, respecting the dignity of every human being. We set our hearts set on becoming that kind of community, through Grace Food Pantry, Supplemental Nutrition for Astoria Children, Hospitality, Prayer Team, Art & Episcopal Church Women (ECW).
Spiritual Formation
Christianity is a practice formed by prayer & study, experience, service, wisdom & foolishness, solitude & community, Episcopalians are people of questions more than answers, both/and more than either/or. Recent learning opportunities include: Sacred Ground (film-based dialogues on race), Base Community lectio divina, candlelight labyrinth walks at solstice & equinox.
Children & youth learn while serving in worship, Godly Play sometimes is woven into worship. We share activities with other local churches (i.e. Youth, Confirmation preparation, & Vacation Bible School). As our parish grows, programs for children & youth also will grow. -
Buildings & Grounds
In this place, Grace Episcopal Church gathers for worship, fellowship, and leadership: as it has done since 1886. We love our place on the northwest coast of Oregon, and we embrace the challenge of keeping it place fit for purpose at the same time we preserve this extraordinary its history.
Fiscal Ministries
Grace Episcopal Church’s mission and ministries depend freewill offerings and pledges of financial support. By the grace of God and the generosity of our friends and neighbors, we are able to provide the necessary materials & staff for worship, study, fellowship, feeding the hungry, and maintaining a safe and inviting facility.
A gift is a blessing. A pledge is a commitment and a spiritual practice.